Personal Development

Navigating Your Tech Career as a Newbie Techie + Opportunities

Photo Credit: Pinterest

You have probably heard the phrase- Tech is the new oil. That might have been your propellant into a tech career. Or perhaps you came across tech bros conversing about dollar denominated salaries and acquisition while surfing twitter, and now you too want in on the action. Whatever your reasons for pivot, they are very valid.

Undoubtedly, the tech industry is fairly accessible. However, depending on your background, the switch to tech can be a daunting experience which might scare you into quitting. In this article, we will explore ways in which you can get your foot in the door and start a flourishing career in tech;

  • Get training: This is a no-brainer. If you are trying to establish yourself as a professional in the tech ecosystem, it is paramount that you get training in your desired niche. Foundational knowledge will help guide how you pursue your career and perform when you land your first tech job.
  • Join communities: Your network might not equate your net worth in this situation; however, it is still important. Less than 15% of jobs are posted on job boards, the rest are filled through referrals. I hope you see where I’m going with this. Joining communities and actively participating will not only avail you to in-house opportunities, but will also grant you much needed visibility.
  • Volunteer: The Nigerian startup industry is a dynamic, growing industry. To this effect, startups typically hesitate to hire newbies because of the amount of hand-holding that might be involved. Startups need to build fast and work in agile teams and a newbie might be overwhelmed. Volunteering is a good way to get a feel of the startup scene as well as equip you with valuable hands-on experience, while another way is to reach out to founders and pitch yourself. Another way us to contribute to open source programs on github.
  • Build personal projects: This is another great way to display expertise on your portfolio or resume. Building personal projects show that you have self-agency and are able to take ownership.
  • Be willing to start small: Considering that you might be pivoting into this new career as a techie, you might not have relevant experience. As a result, you might have to take entry level roles and take a pay cut. At this point, what should be of import to you is learning and growing in this new role.


Conclusion: Getting tech roles as a newbie techie can sometimes be difficult. However, following these steps can contribute to making your journey easier.


  • Ingressive for Good is organizing a tech event-Hackfest, in Lagos, Nigeria on the 12th of November.
  • Telecel Group’s African Startup Initiative Program is now open for applications. The 10 selected startups will receive €15,000 in cash each and benefits valued at more than €500,000, including credits from AWS, Google Cloud Services, Hubspot, and more. Apply by November 11.
  • Applications are now open for Apple’s Entrepreneur Camp. The immersive virtual camp will give founders and developers from underrepresented communities mentorship, technical support and access to the alumni network. Apply by December 5.
  • If you have a business in the agricultural sector, apply to the  African Development Bank's AgriPitch competition—a 2-week virtual program—-to get business mentorship and win access to a grant pool of $140,000. Apply by November 4th.
  • Applications are open for the Association of Commonwealth Universities Emerging Career Conference Grants. There are about 25-40 grants available to emerging researchers and university teachers who need funding to attend virtual or physical conferences. Apply by November 28.
  • African Research Leaders 2023 is calling for funding applications from African medical researchers who have completed a PhD and need the support of £750,000 over the course of five years. Apply by December 1st.